CTCS Rules


Regulations on campus.

Christian Theological College & Seminary (CTCS), puts much emphasis on Christian behavior, and we believe that the proper conduct of a Christian is part of their education. Therefore, we believe that those who claim salvation in Jesus Christ, and live blameless lives; must refrain from worldly practices. CTCS students must not be guilty of blasphemy, adultery, or fornication.

CTCS is also a non-smoking facility. The use of alcohol or drugs (except prescription from a physician) is prohibited. As Christians, we reject the use of immodest dress, theft, immorality, and misconduct. All seminary/bible college students must bear witness to their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Therefore, they should live, act, speak, and dress as believers in Christ. Any student who brings reproach and disgrace to the name of Christ, or can’t maintain the standards and reputation of the Christian Theological College & Seminary, will be dismissed.

Each semester is 16 weeks long. Attendance is very important and the following rules apply to the applicant:

• Tardy to class can cause dependence. Three violations constitute an absence. However, a student who is over 15 minutes late to class will be considered absent.

• The maximum number of unexcused absences from a class is three.

• When a class is missed, the work of replacing the task should be completed and given to the teacher of that class. The assignment will be given by the teacher and it’s the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher for that assignment. After the third absence, the student’s grade point will be reduced; and a half a point for each absence after that will also be reduced.

• After the fourth absence of any class, the student will be placed on probation for that class.• After the sixth absence of any class, the student will be dropped from the class and receive a grade of an”I” (incomplete).

• The student must re-enroll for the next semester class. If the student does not re-register, the “I” (incomplete), it will become an “F” permanently.

• There will be no opportunity to make up missed work for finals.

• Exceptions and special consideration or extensions should be discussed and approved by the dean of the school.