Welcome to Christian Theological College & Seminary (CTCS)

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth…”

Welcome Message from President’s Desk

Dear prospective students:

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Let me extend to you a warm welcome and my appreciation for taking the time to review the Christian Theological College and Seminary. In the myriad of college subjects and directions offered by the world, we concentrate on the Holy Bible as the revelation of all Truth. Because our focus is the Bible, we leave out other courses whose knowledge we trust you will acquire as normal life skills. We offer a theologically accredited, non-traditional seminary to help you acquire your Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degrees with all the knowledge of any traditional institution.

Your decision to work through our programs will not only promote your knowledge of God through a Christ-centered educational curriculum but will positively enhance your life and vocation however you choose to minister for the Lord. This approach will save you time and money and accelerate the process leading to academic achievement and excellence.

It is my prayer for you that Christian Theological College and Seminary can be used by God as a tool for your development to the realization of your Christian goals professionally, personally, and ministerially as God has called you.

If you persevere and graduate with a distinguished title from our College or Seminary, I hope you can attend the graduation ceremonies in our facilities so I can personally deliver your well-deserved diploma from our institution and honor you for moving toward the unfathomable wisdom of His divine word.

I wish you all the best in Christ as you continue reaching and achieving all the Christ-centered objectives you have in your life. May the Lord bless you as you strive to glorify Him in all you do.
For His Glory,

Montel B. Wilder, Ph.D., M.Th.
Christian Theological College & Seminary (CTCS).